
Showing posts from April, 2018

Visitor Management – Now is the Time to go Digital and Drop the Conventional Offline Mode

One of the major concerns for modern day Housing communityis – inefficient Visitor tracking processes which can lead to many unwanted security breaches. Many Society Community Software in India offer certain amount of control over how you handle the Visitors in your premises, but when it comes to Digiclann, one of the leading Society Management System provider, you get an unmatched control over Visitor Management. Whether you represent a Commercial complex, Housing Colony or a Residential building, your property daily experiences several wanted or unwanted visitors and their tracking is not easy. The larger theVisitor numbers, the largeris the problem tracking them. Those who are still following the old ‘maintaining a register’ based processes, should also know that there are major loop holes in manual management of visitors. Below are one of top reasons why you should opt-in for a Digital Visitor Management system: ·          Mis...