
Showing posts from May, 2018

Digiclann – The Best Application for Accounting Management

It is very important to keep every member of a society updated and on same page about society’s recent activities, specially on financial matters and related decisions. There are many Society Management Systems in market offering Accounting Management to their customers, but Digiclann’s unique Accounting management module offers its customers the best value for their money, making it one of the most trusted Society Management Software in India . In this article, we discuss what features an ideal Accounting Management should offer as part of any Society Management Software in India . Read along. Tracking and Collecting Maintenance Charges: Maintenance charges are an integral part of a society’s overall budget, and its importance is synonymous to what Income tax does to our country’s economy. A Society Management System should first allow easy entry of any new charges acquired at a central place, so that any person managing it should get a clear idea. Also, it should be smart en...