
Showing posts from August, 2018

Need to manage society Accounts with ease? Digiclann got you covered!!!

With exponential rise in housing societies across India, there is a growing need to efficiently manage them too, without much hassles. Most of the society committees and admins are still doing manual paperwork, but many of them have now started opting in for one of the best society management system in India , which as per them, have ‘changed the way’ they think about Society management. Gone are the days when people manually used to manage records and do book-keeping of accounts - whether personal or financial. There are many accounting softwares available in market (for example - Tally), then why not use and implement the same level of features in a Housing Society Management Software ?    Housing Societies these days hire CAs and accountants to manage the accounting operations, who are already well versed with popular softwares. Now if you don't use a Housing Society Management Software having in built accounting management module, or any other software at all, they us...

Next Generation Tech at your Fingertips - DigiClann

Mr. Jain, 35, residing in Ahmedabad, often forgot to pay his Housing Society’s maintenance dues on timely basis, owing to his traveling job, which mostly keeps him away from the city and his society’s monthly meetings. Though he is termed as a defaulter, he has a valid point here - can’t the society committee remind him on timely basis if he or others miss out on such meetings? Well, Digiclann, one of the fastest growing Society Management System in India , heard Mr. Jain and the concerns of other similar voices - and from the moment his Society has installed the DigiClann as the Housing Society Management Software and started sending out notifications and reminders of pending dues, he has breathed a sigh of relief !!! With the implementation of technology, the modern Indian has become smart and expect the same from the utilities for which they pay. Then why restrict the domain of Society Management Systems in India to make use of latest technological trends from using it? With tha...

With DigiClann, employ an extra ‘Digital Gate-Keeper’ for your Housing Society

In India, with increase in the Standards of living and the exposure to better and healthy lifestyles, the youth today is migrating more and more towards cities. To accommodate this rise, more and more housing societies are emerging on the real-estate front, with each one promising the perfect balance between luxury and peace of mind. These housing societies needs to stay organized as well, and often the residents volunteer for the management of it - which we all know is very tedious keeping in mind most of the volunteers are already working and travel daily. There are daily operations like accounting management, visitor management, notifications management and others - any errors in above operations can cost majorly on the overall working of the whole society. Digiclann, one of the Best Housing Society Management System in India , promises exactly the above operations via an App, by easing out the whole housing society management process, both for the residents and the chairmen....