DigiClann – The Right Housing Society Management System for you
We all know how managing a Housing society can be hard and daunting at the same time. Along with your Career and other day to day work, being a Society’s Chairmen or a committee member,you must manage day to day administration related activities like Accounting management, Maintenance collection, book keeping, notifications and circular management, managing the society staff members like Security guards, etc. on daily basis. Most of you out there are performing all these activities manually, which is not an ideal approach in times of such technological advancements. You must opt-in for a Society Management System for your Housing society so that can go digital and simplify your day to day operations. Digiclann is one such Society Community Software in India , which is one of the fastest growing Society Management System. But before buying any Society Management System for your Housing society, you must research well enough on below pointers so that you make an inform...