
Showing posts from September, 2018

Tenant Management - A piece of Cake with DigiClann’s Housing Management System

With urban population seeing a rise nowadays and majority of them shifting to cities in search of better jobs and lifestyle, a considerable growth can be witnessed in the numbers of tenants too. Renting an apartment/flat/house is beneficial both ways - it is affordable for the tenants and the owners can earn passively from their properties too. Among all these give-and-take activities, what really gets overlooked is the sense of security threats and lapses which can be really harmful for the security of the fellow society members. Societies which are running their operations manually would surely be finding it difficult to manage all the documentations and other formalities related to tenant verification on paper. But by investing in a Society Management System in India , the same housing society can attain a peace of mind by utilizing its Tenant Management module. It is important to note that not all the Society Management Software in India offers such module from within the applic...

What features an Ideal Housing Society Management System should offer?

Bookkeeping, daily roll call of society staff, sending out verbal or written notifications to members, collecting maintenance dues from them, checking and maintaining the inventory and other facilities - every society admins/chairmen who are manually managing there day to day administrative operations would be able to relate to these listed activities. These activities become more cumbersome and daunting when the number of residents or society members increases - and with these increased numbers, chances of human mistakes increases too. To overcome this problem, many societies have opted for a Society Management System in India , but there is a serious ‘problem of plenty’ in current times, as there are many of them available in market. With this article DigiClann, one of the fastest growing and best housing society management system in Gujarat, wish to educate its readers the important factors and points to consider while buying a Society Management System in India . Some of th...

DigiClann - Here to mitigate all your Housing Society Related Woes

While building its Society Management Application , Digiclann did a lot of research to identify the problems and issues in managing a Housing Society with ease - so that the Admins and the Chairmen of various Housing Communities can easily adapt and make a transition from the age old manual methodologies to a more ‘tech-savvy’ digital mode of Digiclann’s Society Security Management System . During research we collected information on many challenges faced by the Housing societies. In this article, we would discuss the most common of them all - and how DigiClann’s various modules helps Housing Societies to overcome those problems. Unmanaged Documentation: With each passing year and a change in the ownership of the houses, if operations are managed without any Society Management Application , then there might be chances of huge piles of related documents hogging the society’s office space - that too nobody around to take charge and responsibilities of it. Solution - DigiClann’s D...