Go Digital - Manage all your Housing Society related Accounting tasks with DigiClann

When it comes to managing accounts and money, as a member or chairmen of a Housing Society, you can’t afford to trust manual intervention and management by an accounting specialist, as he/she is bound to make mistakes. You need to invest in a good Housing Society Management System, like DigiClann, who are the leading providers of Society Management Software in Ahmedabad with the best Accounting Management module.
 Digiclann is a Society Management App, providing a power-packed Accounting Management solution to Housing Societies, ensuring that the trust and transparency at monetary level is maintained between the admins and each member of the society. With increase in Digital presence of people, having a Society Management Software is a must with an Accounting Management section, which should be free from any human errors and should be flexible and effective enough to perform day to day accounting related tasks of a housing community.
In this article, we discuss some of the major solutions a Society Management App can provide through its Accounting Management module:
  • Transparency and Sophistication: While dealing with money and recording financial transactions, both transparency and dealing and application of the whole process sophistically is required, which should be the basic attribute of any Housing Society Management System. These attributes are handy, for example, while dealing with defaulters and notifying them via the app instead of going to them personally or via another informal medium.
  • No more hassles from manual processes: Imagine an accountant you employed becoming rogue and mis-handling your entire accounting operations or, he/she missing to calculate/consider an important transaction which should have reflected in your records. Investing in a Society Management Software offering a flawless Accounting Management module saves you with such situations, as it is designed to incorporate accurate calculations with valid workflows, helping you monitor your entire accounting summary real time.
  • Flexible: With a Society Management App all the accounting information is available to each member including the admins at their fingertips, that too real-time and with correct data. Also sending notifications to members becomes quite easy in case you want to pass on a certain message to any defaulter or any other member about their account.
  • Easy to operate and manage: Many society chairmen or admin members are skeptical about going digital with their accounting operations. But a Housing Society Management System like Digiclann is designed in such a way that it accommodates almost all your accounting tasks smoothly, so that you never feel the way to go back to manual. With its intuitive UI and functionalities, working with it becomes exciting for members.
Just send us an email for all your queries in case you need to know more about how a good Accounting Management app can help you solve your day to day operational hurdles, and we would be happy to assist.


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