Features that only Best Society Management Softwares in India are offering

Real estate is growing day by day - according to studies and facts, the number of houses and societies are going to see an increase of more than 100%. More the number of houses and people, more is the complexity of managing it. That’s where Society Management Software can help its Chairmen and Admins in their day to day work.
Below we discuss what Digiclann, one of the leading Housing Society Management System and other top Society Management App are offering which makes their product a cut-above everyone else:
  • Ease of maintaining the accounts and other transactions: Recording Financial particulars and transactions are very important aspect of managing a society and ideally every Society Management App should be equipped with the best Accounting Management module which allows user to follow all the valid workflows. This ensures transparency in the whole Accounting management done by Admins as the details are maintained electronically and without any human error.
  • Easily accessible Members’ data: It is very important to know who resides in your society for the safety of other members as well. Hence it becomes quite necessary for a Housing Society Management System to track and maintain each and every information of the resident members so that their details are available as and when required. This comes in handy specially in case of managing details of tenants.
  • Vehicle Tracking: In these modern times, people have the necessity to own more than one vehicle, depending on the number of members in a family. But the parking space remains a constant for a housing society - though the number of vehicles keeps on increasing. This is where lies the importance of vehicle tracking and parking space allotments. Ideally any Society Management Software should be providing this level of management, so that what vehicles goes out and enters the premises can be tracked easily.
  • Ease of communicating with fellow members: Whether it is information regarding the next society meeting or upcoming festival celebration notice - members should be able to receive crisp and clear information about the society related activities. Additionally, with the advent of Society Management Apps, it has become quite easy to pass on information within a community. This could really be helpful in crisis situations too, as all the information and notifications are available at just on your fingertips.
  • Visitors Tracking: Security of your family members is one of the top priority of any individual and any lapse in the security can’t be tolerated. Whether you want to track the activities of your maid or any other house assistance that enter your premises, you should be able to monitor and control their activities from the Society Management Software.
If you have are using a Housing Society Management System, like Digiclann which fulfills above basic requirements, than congratulate yourself, you are living a peaceful life. In case you need more assistance in knowing about Digiclann, just contact us and we would be happy to assist you.


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